Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi
(Health & Family Welfare Department)
9111 Level, A-Wing, Room No. 910, Delhi Sachivalaya,
I.P. Estate, New  Delhi (23392031), [email protected]

No. F8(72)/Director(                                                                Date: 16/ 03/15


It has been noticed that resident doctors are often assigned continuous duties across multiple shifts. In order  to improve the working environment and enhance productivity  and  outcomes,   it  has  been  decided   to  curb  this  practice  and  restrict clinical duties of resident doctors  to a single.

All Directors/Medical Superintendents and Heads of clinical departments of hospitals/institutions/departments are  advised   that  in  case, resident   doctors  are assigned continuous duties across multiple shifts in their hospitals institutions/departments, then  this  practice   must  stop  forthwith and  duty   rosters  for  resident doctors  are  prepared in a way  that  they  are  put  on clinical duties  not  exceeding  12 hours in a shift in a day.

Exceptionally, in cases of working/clinical needs for  more  than 12 hours  of continuous shift duty, only the Director/Medical Superintendent of the hospital  will have  the  power  to  approve assigning clinical  duty  shift  beyond  12  hours  but  not exceeding 17 hours. However, for   all   such   cases, MS/Director of hospitals/ institutions shall inform the Secretary (H&FW) at [email protected].


This has approval of the competent authority.


(Dr. Sanjay Agrawal)
Addl. Secy. (PGR)/
Director (Hosp Services)
 H&FW Department


1.   All Directors/MSs of Hospital/Institutions in H&FW Department

2.  All Heads of clinical departments of Hospitals/institutions through respective Directors/MSs.

Copy for information:

1.  Secretary to Min. of Health

2.  All Spl. Secretaries/Addl. Secretary, H&FW Department

3.  PS to Secretary  (H&FW)