2014: The first WC meeting will be held in New Delhi. 

25. The Working Committee shall be a continuous body.

Composition of Working Committee:

The Working Committee shall be composed of the following:
(A) Ex-Officio Members:
i) The National President
ii) The Immediate Past National President
iii) The National President-Elect (Two)
iv) The Vice Presidents
v) The Honorary Secretary General
vi) The Honorary Joint Secretaries
vii) The Honorary Finance Secretary
viii) The Editor of the Journal or in case he is unable to attend, one of the Associate Editors deputed by him
ix) Dean, IMA College of General Practitioners
x) The Honorary Secretary of the Journal
xi) Honorary Secretary, IMA College of General Practitioners
xii) Chairman, IMA Academy of Medical Specialties
xiii) Honorary Secretary, IMA Academy of Medical Specialties
xiv) Chairman, Standing Committee of Finance
*xv) Hony. Director, IMA AKN Sinha Institute
*xvi) Hony. Executive Secretary, IMA AKN Sinha Institute
*xvii) Chairman, IMA NSSS
*xviii) Hony. Secretary, IMA NSSS




Note-1:The inclusion of the above 4 posts* in the composition of Central Council and Central Working Committee of IMA mentioned at S.Nos. xv, xvi, xvii and xviii was proposed and approved at the 187th meeting of the Central Working Committee of IMA held at Srinagar on 26-27 May, 2001, confirmed at its 188th meeting held at Mahabaleshwar on 25-26 May, 2002 and ratified by the Central Council at its 63rd Annual meeting held at Thiruvananthapuramnon on 19-20 July, 2002.

(B) State/Territorial Branch Representatives:
(i) The total number of members of all Local Branches under a State/Territorial Branches on whose behalf HFC has been received in full by 31st March, shall form the basis of determining representation of State or Territorial Branches to the Working Committee IMA.
(ii) The State or Territorial Branches shall elect their representatives to the Working Committee from amongst their members who have been members of the Association continuously for at least two years immediately preceding. The scale of representative on the Working Committee shall be as follows:


1-1000 members - one representative
Every additional 501-1000 members - one additional representative
For example: 1-1500 members - 1 representative
1501-2500 members - 2 representatives
2501-3500 members - 3 representatives and so on.


The State/Territorial Branch shall not elect any member regular or alternate, to the Working Committee and the Working Committee shall not elect any member to any Standing Committee/Committee to be constituted, who is an ordinary member of a local branch which is suspended. Similarly, an elected member of the Working Committee shall cease to be the member of the Working Committee if the State/Territorial/Local Branch to which he/she belongs, is suspended.

Ordinary members elected on various Committees of the Working Committee will also cease to be members of such Committee on Suspension of the State/Territorial Local Branch to which they belong.

(iii) The State or Territorial Branches shall also elect an equal number of alternate representatives who shall be entitled to be sent as substitutes, as and when occasion arises at the discretion of the President of the State or Territorial Branch. The agenda of all meetings will also be sent to the alternate representatives.
(iv) They shall assume office after the Ordinary meeting of the Central Council following the Annual Meeting of the Central Council and shall continue to hold office till the end of the Ordinary meeting of the Central Council in the following year or till their successors are appointed by the State or Territorial Branches.
(v) In determining the membership of the State or Territorial Branch for the purpose of representation on the Working Committee, the strength of the Branch shall be calculated each year on the number of members on the register of the Branch at the Headquarters, on behalf of whom the HFC has been paid in full to the Headquarters, by the 31st March. Complete list of such membership on 31st March should reach the Headquarterss by the 30th April if not supplied already as per Rule 19(B).

27. Co-opted Members of the Working Committee:
27-A. The National President may co-opt upto 4 members to attend any particular meeting of the Working Committee. The co-opted members will be paid T.A. as per Bye-laws. The co-opted members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the regular members for the purpose of the particular meeting for which they have been co-opted.
27-A.(1)Immediate Five Past National Presidents and Immediate Five Past Hony. Secretary Generals shall be co-opted membes of the Working Committee.*

Invited Members of the Working Committee:
27-B. The following members shall stand invited to the meetings of the Working Committee:
(1) All Office bearers of IMA who are not members of Working Committee
(2) All Past National Presidents of IMA
(3) All Past Honorary General Secretaries of IMA
(4) Chairman of all Standing Committees, agenda of which are on Working Committee.
   In addition to the above, the National President may invite any other members of the Association to attend a particular meeting of the Working Committee. All such invited members may take part in discussion but shall not be entitled to vote or to draw TA from the Association funds.

   *The inclusion of the above 2 posts in the composition of Central Council and Central Working Committee of IMA mentioned at 27A(1) was proposed and approved at the 189th meeting of the Central Working Committee of IMA held at Gandhidham on 1-2 February, 2003, confirmed at its 190th meeting held at Gunthur on 26 December, 2003 and ratified by the Central Council at its 64th Annual meeting held at Guntur on 27-28 December, 2003.

28. Powers and Functions of the Working Committee:
   The Working Committee shall be the executive authority and as such shall have the power to carry into effect the policy and programme of the Association as laid down by the Central Council and shall remain responsible thereto. The Working Committee shall have the right:
A. To make regulations and issue instructions for the proper working of the Association and for the maintenance and administration of the Association rooms, library and properties and for the organisation and maintenance of its publications.
B. To appoint Committees, sub-Committees, as and when necessary. The Standing Committee so appointed shall not consist of more than six members other than Ex-Office members. However, in case co-option is required, not more than one person may be co-opted.
    The Chairman, Standing Committee for Finance shall function with such terms of refrence as may be specified by the Working Committee for financial management and shall be the Ex-Officio member of the Working Committee and the Central Council.
C. To represent any matter in which they consider the interest of the Association or that of the medical profession are affected, before Government or the public bodies or any properly constituted authority.
D. To receive reports of Standing and Sub-Committees which have met immediately preceding the Working Committee.
E. To consider and decide application for members, resignation of members, suspension of members or branches and the question of taking such disciplinary action as it may deem fit against any member of branch for misconduct, willful neglect or default.
F. To write off the whole or part of the unreasonable arrears of subscription of members or Headquarters Fund Contribution from Branches or other outstanding dues of the Association or its publications, if considered desirable.
G. To appoint or remove salaried officers and servants of the Association.
H. To fix up the rates of travelling allowance to be paid to the office bearersof the Association and the members of the Central Council, Working Committee and other Committees, Ad-hocCommittees and Sub-Committees.
I. To consider all matters and make necessary recommendations, as far as possible, before these are discussed by the Central Council.
J. To ammend the Bye-laws as per Rules 39-C.
K. Subject to the provisions of Rules, to exercise in addition to the powers expressly given by Rules and Bye-laws, all such powers and do all such acts and things as may be done by the Association.

29. Meeting of the Working Committee:
A. The Working Committee shall hold meeting as often as necessary.
B. At least forty five days' notice of a meeting of the Working Committee shall be given to all members stating the place, date and the hour of the meeting. An agenda of business to be transacted at meeting shall be sent with the notice. Ordinarily a copy of the notie and the agenda of the meeting shall be sent to all State and Territorial Branches and the Journal office also.
   In emergency a shorter notice shall be allowed at the discretion of the Honorary Secretary General, in consultation with the National President, but in no case it shall be less than 7 days.
   A notice may be served on a member either personally through an employee of the Association or by Post under certificate of posting.
C. The quorum for the meeting shall be nine of which at least five shall be members other than office-bearers of the Association.
D. Venue: The meeting of the Working Committee shall be held at a convenient place, the date, time and place to be decided by the Honorary Secretary General in consultation with the National President except that the meeting which will be held at the time of the Annual Conference will be held at the place where the Conference is held.