1. -> IMA Elections 2022-2024

2. -> Result of IMA National Elections 2022-24

3. Who We Are -> History Of IMA -> IMA Years(IMA Year)

4. Who We Are -> IMA Prayer, Flag Salutation and related -> Audio(IMA Prayer)

5. Who We Are -> IMA Logo & Flag -> Audio(IMA Flag Salutation And IMA Prayer)

6. Who We Are -> Constitution -> IMA(HQs.)(IMA Constitution)

7. Who We Are -> Physician's Prayer -> Print(IMA Prayer)

8. Who We Are -> Physician's Prayer -> Video(IMA Prayer)

9. Who We Are -> Constitution -> Role Play(DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE OFFICE BEARERS)

10. Who We Are -> Constitution -> Other(Other Constitution)

11. Who We Are -> Office Bearers -> Know your National President - Dr. Ravi Wankhedkar

12. Who We Are -> Office Bearers -> Office Bearers 2017-18

13. Who We Are -> IMA Protocol

14. Who We Are -> IMA Logo & Flag -> Video(IMA Prayer And IMA Flag Salutation Video)

15. Who We Are -> Launch of IMA Rise & Shine

16. Who We Are -> Constitution -> RULES AND BYE-LAWS OF PUNJAB STATE INDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION(IMA Punjab Constitution ( amended up to Dec 2011))

17. Who We Are -> Introduction To IMA

18. Who We Are -> IMA Prayer, Flag Salutation and related -> IMA Flag Salutation-video(IMA Flag Salutation - Video)

19. Who We Are -> Office Bearers -> Team IMA 2020-2021

20. Who We Are -> Office Bearers -> Area Allocations to National Vice Presidents

21. Who We Are -> Office Bearers -> Job Allocations of Office Bearers

22. Who We Are -> Office Bearers -> Team IMA 2021-2022

23. Who We Are -> Office Bearers -> Team IMA 2022-2023

24. Who We Are -> Office Bearers -> Team IMA 2023-2024

25. What We Do -> Community -> India's largest voluntary organization of doctors practicing modern system of medicine

26. What We Do -> IMA Standards -> Our Rural Clinic

27. What We Do -> IMA campaigns

28. What We Do -> New Drug Launches -> LIST OF APPROVED DRUG FROM 01-01-2013 to 31-12-2013

29. What We Do -> IMA Health Alerts -> Report of Prof. Ranjit Roy Chaudhury Expert Committee

30. What We Do -> IMA Standards -> IMA Ambulance

31. What We Do -> IMA Standards -> IMA Clinical Side Lab

32. What We Do -> Self Code of Regulations -> Hospitals and clinical establishments

33. What We Do -> IMA Projects -> IMA GFATM RNTCP PPM Project

34. What We Do -> IMA Projects -> IMA PC PNDT Project

35. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Doctors Protection

36. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Who can write the prefix Dr

37. What We Do -> IMA Social Media Initiative -> Ima Social Media(Social Media)

38. What We Do -> Central Working Committee -> Meeting of the Central Working Committee of IMA

39. What We Do -> IMA UNESCO Chair Bioethics Initiative

40. What We Do -> IMA Unicef Initiative -> IMA Unicef Initiative

41. What We Do -> IMA Unicef Initiative -> IMA UNICEF Initiative in child sexual abuse

42. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> IPC Codes to Know

43. What We Do -> IMA Health Alerts -> Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and sudden death

44. What We Do -> IMA, IAP, NNF & FOGSI Initiative -> IMA IAP FOGSI Initiative

45. What We Do -> IMA, IAP, NNF & FOGSI Initiative -> IMA, IAP, NNF & FOGSI Initiative

46. What We Do -> IMA-eMailer -> Last Date for IMA Award -5th September, 2015(Last date for receiving Nominations for various Awards of IMA - 5th September, 2015)

47. What We Do -> IMA-eMailer -> JIMA - August 2015(Journal of IMA (JIMA) August 2015 Issue)

48. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Even Numbers & Non-Bailable Offences in Law.

49. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Prohibition of use of Polyethylene Terephthalate in liquid oral formulations for primary packaging of drug formulations.

50. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Ayush cannot prescribe modern medicine drugs

51. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Lalita Kumari vs Govt. of U.P.& Ors on 12 November, 2013(Registration of an FIR is Mandatory in cognizable offense)

52. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Kudos to the Delhi Government!

53. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Guidelines for protection of Good Samaritans

54. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> IMA Yellow pages advertisment is not allowed -1

55. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> IMA Yellow pages advertisment is not allowed -2

56. What We Do -> ICON -> ICON 2015

57. What We Do -> IMA-eMailer -> Mega Press Conference on Doctor's Day(Mega Press Conference on Doctor's Day, In every State to be addressed by National President, Hony. Secretary General, State President & State Secretary)

58. What We Do -> IMA-eMailer -> IMA MEGA BLOOD DONATION CAMP(Doctor's Day Celebrations : IMA MEGA BLOOD DONATION CAMP)

59. What We Do -> IMA-eMailer -> IMA congratulates Union Health Minister Shri JP Nadda

60. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Must Read High Court Judgment On 304A

61. What We Do -> ICON -> ICON 2015 Address Envelope

62. What We Do -> ICON -> Download

63. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Handling of children with disabilities and referral.

64. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Amendment(MCI Ethics Regulations)

65. What We Do -> IMA ISSUES -> PNDT Workshop and Display(Clarification regarding demonstration/display of Ultrasound/Imaging Machines in the Workshop/CME)

66. What We Do -> IMA-eMailer -> Digital IMA Inauguration: Sunday 26th July

67. What We Do -> IMA-eMailer -> Vyapam scam in Madhya Pradesh(Indian Medical Association expresses it's deep concerns over the issues revolving the Vyapam scam in Madhya Pradesh)

68. What We Do -> IMA Disease Notification

69. What We Do -> ICON -> Photo(ICON 2015 IMACGP International Conference of Family Medicine Organized by: IMA HQ, New Delhi)

70. What We Do -> IMA White Papers -> White Paper on Dr. Ketan Desai

71. What We Do -> ICON -> Slides(All Slides)

72. What We Do -> IMA-IRDA(Discount on bills offered by Network Providers)

73. What We Do -> IMA President Addresses -> IMA President Addresses

74. What We Do -> IMA Dengue Interaction -> Online Version

75. What We Do -> IMA Dengue Interaction -> Press Release on Dengue

76. What We Do -> IMA Dengue Interaction -> Unconventional treatments in dengue fever

77. What We Do -> IMA Dengue Interaction -> Press Clippings

78. What We Do -> Community -> ART Bill Not Friendly

79. What We Do -> Slides -> IMA Natcon 2015 Slides

80. What We Do -> Success Story -> National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board

81. What We Do -> Success Story -> Non bailable arrest warrant against Block Pramukh & 17 other culprits

82. What We Do -> IMA Legal Cell -> Is it obligatory for hospitals to provide copy of the case record to patient

83. What We Do -> Success Story -> IMA Medicolegal Cell Success Stories

84. What We Do -> Success Story -> Team IMA meeting with Mr. Mukul Rohatgi, Attorney General for India

85. What We Do -> Sports Meet -> Sports Meet (Sports Meet - IMA National 2016)

86. What We Do -> Success Story -> DMA; Major Victory for IMA on Crosspathy

87. What We Do -> IMA Solo Clinic -> IMA Certified Solo Clinic (draft, suggestions invited)

88. What We Do -> IMA - PvPI Initiative Pages -> IMA - PvPI : Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Form

89. What We Do -> IMA Unicef Initiative -> Draft Minutes of Inception Workshop of IMA - UNICEF Project on Prevention of and Response to Child Sexual Abuse

90. What We Do -> Success Story -> mCessation Programme(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has launched a pan India "mCessation Programme")

91. What We Do -> satyagraha -> Doctors to hold dharna against government inaction

92. What We Do -> Invitation: Letter received from Kazakhstan Embassy

93. What We Do -> satyagraha -> IMA Satyagraha: 16th November - Part 1 to Part 8

94. What We Do -> satyagraha -> Draft Press Release for today, 15th November 2016

95. What We Do -> satyagraha -> Press release which can be sent today by all states, add local names

96. What We Do -> satyagraha -> Indian Doctors' Protest Supported by WMA

97. What We Do -> satyagraha -> IMA supports Voice of pathologists: DMLTs can-not run labs independently

98. What We Do -> Important Days -> IMA-Lumen Global Meet on Acute MI-Jaipur

99. What We Do -> EMKB -> Aims & Objectives :-(IMA HQs. Ethics & Medico-legal Knowledge Bank)

100. What We Do -> EMKB -> Central Clinical Establishment Act 2010

101. What We Do -> Central Working Committee -> 217th Meeting of Central Working Committee, IMA - Agenda

102. What We Do -> Central Working Committee -> Agenda : 215th Meeting of Central Working Committee

103. What We Do -> IMA NATIONAL TELEMEDICINE DAY ON March 24th 2018

104. What We Do -> IMA Health Manifesto-2019

105. IMA e-Connect -> NRIs

106. IMA e-Connect -> Foreign Nationals

107. IMA e-Connect -> IMA Publications -> IMA News

108. IMA e-Connect -> Registration

109. IMA e-Connect -> IMA Rise & Shine CME

110. IMA e-Connect -> Digital IMA- Live Webcast(Digital IMA : Live Webcast)

111. IMA e-Connect -> IPMO(I Pledge My Organ )

112. IMA e-Connect -> IMA Rare Blood Group Online Blood Bank Directory

113. IMA e-Connect -> IMA RISE and SHINE()

114. IMA e-Connect -> IMA Slide Share

115. IMA e-Connect -> IMA Lybrate Initiative -> About Initiative

116. IMA e-Connect -> IMA Lybrate Initiative -> IMA White Paper on Telemedicine ( Digital IMA: IMA White Paper on Telemedicine )

117. IMA e-Connect -> Ask your Question(Live Webcast : Ask your Question)

118. IMA e-Connect -> IMA Publications -> Tariff IMA

119. IMA e-Connect -> Income Tax Advt(One more feather in the cap for Team IMAIN)

120. IMA e-Connect -> Photos( IMA Photos)

121. IMA e-Connect -> IMA e-Connect -> Team Digital IMA - 100 Webcasts

122. IMA e-Connect -> IMA e Publications -> ebook - Do Boond Zindagi Ke, Laut Aaya Hu Jahannum se Dosto

123. IMA e-Connect -> IMA e Publications -> ebook - Do Boond Zindagi Ke, Laut Aaya Hu Jahannum se Dosto

124. IMA e-Connect -> IMA e Publications -> e-Booklet

125. IMA e-Connect -> IMA e Publications -> Hydroxyzine - An Effective Antihistamine and the Drug of choice for Pruritus

126. IMA e-Connect -> IMA e Publications -> An Approach to APD and its Management

127. Digital IMA -> Office bearer IMA Young Doctors Wing (2015-2016 )

128. Digital IMA -> Job allocation of National Vice Presidents of IMA

129. More -> Archive -> IMA Awards and Laurels

130. More -> Career Counselling

131. More -> Search a member

132. More -> Archive -> IMA NATCON 2015

133. More -> Opportunities -> IMA Doctor of the year Award 2015(Nominations are invited for IMA Doctor of the year Award 2015)

134. More -> Guest House -> IMA Guest Houses

135. More -> Archive -> IMA-NABH Scheme Project Report

136. More -> Tariff IMA

137. More -> Branch -> IMA Bhawan Durg

138. More -> Archive -> Anti NMC Petition

139. More -> Archive -> IMA NATCON 2016 & 77th Meeting of the Central Council of IMA

140. More -> Govt. Minutes of the meeting -> Minutes of the Meeting to Examine Modalities of Setting up Facilitation Counter at Airports for Visitors coming on e-Medical Visa

141. More -> Webcasts -> Team IMA Webcast 2017

142. More -> Press Clippings -> Dilli Chalo Dossier

143. More -> Video (PM Shri Narendra Modi Ji, In Gujarat, speaks in relation to violence against doctors)

144. More -> NPPA has fixed/revised ceiling prices/Retail Prices(NPPA has fixed/revised ceiling prices/Retail Prices of 67 scheduled formulations of Schedule-I under Drugs (Price Control) Amendment Order,2016 under DPCO,2013)

145. More -> Archive -> Specialist Doctors

146. More -> Archive -> IMA Natcon 2017(78th meeting of the Central Council of IMA Mumbai, Maharashtra, December 27-28, 2017)

147. More -> IMA BHARAT YATRA -> Images And Videos

148. More -> IMA BHARAT YATRA -> IMA Maha Panchayat in Delhi

149. Schemes -> IMA National Pension Scheme

150. Schemes -> IMA National Health Scheme

151. Wings -> General Practitioners

152. Wings -> IMA AMS

153. Wings -> Social Security

154. Wings -> Anti Quackery(IMA Anti Quackery)

155. Wings -> IMACGP -> ICON 2015

156. Wings -> IMA WMA -> IMA WMA(The Social Determinants of Health: The Doctors' Role in Tackling Health Inequality)

157. Wings -> IMA Women Doctors Wing

158. Wings -> IMA WMA -> Armed Conflict Resolution

159. Wings -> Minutes of the meeting of IMACGP held on 26th December, 2015(Minutes of the meeting of IMA College of General Practitioners held on 26th December, 2015, at IMA House, New Delhi)

160. Wings -> IMA International Wing

161. Wings -> IMA Hospital Board of India

162. Wings -> IMA Mission Pink Health

163. Wings -> IMA Service Doctor Wing

164. IMA Initiatives -> IMA FOGSI IAP NNF Initiative

165. IMA Initiatives -> IMA RISE and SHINE Project (IMA National )

166. IMA Initiatives -> IMA API CSI Initiative

167. IMA Initiatives -> IMA Heart Care Foundation of India Initiative

168. IMA Initiatives -> IMA Apollo Initiative

169. IMA Initiatives -> IMA Mediation and Grievance Cell

170. IMA Initiatives -> IMA WHPA Initiative

171. IMA Initiatives -> IMA SLIM Initiative(IMA National )

172. IMA Initiatives -> IMA Age Friendly Clinic Initiative

173. IMA Initiatives -> IMA Padma Awardees Doctors Forum Initiative

174. IMA Initiatives -> IMA-NBTC Initiative( Minutes of the 25th Governing Body Meeting of NBTC council)

175. IMA Initiatives -> IMA e-Connect

176. IMA Initiatives -> IMA - Kent Initiative(IMA - Kent Initiative - for safe water)

177. IMA Initiatives -> Letter - IMA-PvPI Initiative(Letter : IMA-PvPI Initiative)

178. IMA Initiatives -> IMA - PvPI Initiative

179. IMA Initiatives -> Newsletter PVPI(Newsletter Pharmacovigilance Programme Of INDIA)


181. IMA Initiatives -> IMA-PvPI Pharmaco Vigilance initiative 9717776514

182. Standing Committees -> Research and Acedmics( Research and Acedmics)

183. Standing Committees -> Service Doctors

184. Standing Committees -> Anti Quackery

185. Standing Committees -> National Cancer & Tobacco Control Committee(IMA National Cancer & Tobacco Control Committee)

186. Standing Committees -> IMA HQ Disaster Management Cell

187. Standing Committees -> IMA Independent Ethics Committee -> Objective

188. Standing Committees -> IMA Independent Ethics Committee -> Role of IEC(Role Of Independent Ethics Committee (IEC))

189. Standing Committees -> IMA Independent Ethics Committee -> Composition And Appointment of IEC

190. Standing Committees -> IMA Independent Ethics Committee -> Term Of IEC Members

191. Standing Committees -> IMA Independent Ethics Committee -> QUORUM Requirements

192. Standing Committees -> IMA Independent Ethics Committee -> IMA Independent Ethics Committee in Full Attachment

193. IMA Paramedical Initiative -> Paramedical Courses IMA-Advt(Paramedical Courses IMA)

194. IMA Paramedical Initiative -> Report Of Paramedical courses May 2016

195. IMA Paramedical Initiative -> Report Of Paramedical courses June 2016

196. IMA Paramedical Initiative -> REPORT OF PARAMEDICALCOURSES July 2016

197. IMA Paramedical Initiative -> Report Of Paramedical Courses - August 2016(Advertisement of paramedical courses, Paramedical courses Report & Minimum requirements for conducting IMA's paramedical courses)

198. IMA Paramedical Initiative -> Report of Paramedical courses January 2017

199. IMA Paramedical Initiative -> Report of Paramedical Courses February 2017

200. IMA Speeches -> IMA Speeches -> Presidential speech by Dr K K Aggarwal (Presidential speech by Dr K K Aggarwal National President IMA)

201. IMA Speeches -> IMA Speeches -> "Dilli Chalo" Address by Dr K K Aggarwal, National President IMA

202. Important News -> Report IMA Elections 2024-2026

203. Important News -> Justice for Moumita

204. Important News -> Up to 25% Concession in HFC

205. Important News -> World Hypertension Day - May 17

206. Important News -> Donations received for Kerala Flood Relief

207. Important News -> Notification of IMA National Award 2018 last date 30th September 2018(UPDATED)

208. Important News -> IMA clarifications on the FAQs posted by Ministry of Health of Government Of India on NMC issue

209. Important News -> Become a Member of IMA

210. Important News -> Vaccination Chart And Immunisation Guideline

211. Important News -> IMA relief efforts for Nepal Earthquake victims

212. Important News -> 213th meeting of the Central Working Committee of IMA

213. Important News -> World TB Day Activities - So For

214. Important News -> State Leadership Meet Team IMA