Download - Concept Note Honorary IMA Professors | Application for Honorary Professor IMA (CGP/AMS)

Honorary IMA Professor 

Honorary IMA Professors are leaders within the academic and clinical community. They have a National /International reputation in their academic field and demonstrate leadership both within the IMA and externally. 

These positions are awarded on the grounds of outstanding achievements and national standing in research and innovation or in teaching and learning.

Initial Validity Period: 3 Years


1.     To create IMA credible Faculty

2.     To enhance academic activities of IMA

3.     To use their services in IMA conferences / workshops/seminars for teaching & skill building of healthcare professional

4.     To conduct research at IMA level in field of medicine

5.     To frame standards Treatment Guidelines and regular revision of the same in field of their specialization.

6.     Clinical Data management at national /state level


Applications for IMA Honorary Professor /Faculty shall be received by way of nominations only. Any bonafide life member of IMA can nominate one applicant. 

Application duly filled by candidate and signed by the recommending member is to reach to the office of  CEO –IMA Accreditation & Academic Council by 31st July every year.

All applications received shall be screened by a committee. Screening of the applications shall be done as per criterion laid down. Recommendations of the committee shall be presented in the Accreditation Committee for approval. 

 Eligibility criterion:

  • Registered MBBS doctor with minimum 20 years’ experience
  • Registered MD/MS or DNB doctor with minimum 15 years post PG experience
  • Number of Publications minimum 2 in any indexed scientific medical journal

Note: MCI / University recognized medical Teachers also need to apply for award of these designations. 

Eligibility criterion alone cannot be a claim for grant of Honorary Professorship. 

Along with these criterion, other information as asked in application form shall be considered for selection of suitable candidates as per decision of the committee.

Members of the committee 

            1.National President 

            2.Hon Sec General

            3.Immediate Past president

            4.President Elect

            5.Two expert nominee

   6.Member Secretary    CEO- IMA Accreditation & Academic Council

Once selected, IMA professor /faculty can use this designation on their letter heads, visiting cards. They shall be given preference by state and local branches as Faculty for conducting CMEs.