The Presidents & Hony. Secretaries
All state Branches of IMA
Dear Colleagues,
This time IMA shall be observing Doctor’s Day (on 1st July) with a difference. For the first time in the history of IMA, we want to organize a Press Conference (12 Noon to 1 PM) on 1st July, 2015 in every State to be addressed by National President, Hony. Secretary General, State President & State Secretary.
All the Press Conferences will be conducted on the same theme ( which will be forwarded to you in due course of time). Kindly book the date and venue for the Press Conference and also compile a list of health reporters. Please send the same list to IMA HQs so that we can also send them the invite.
Dr. Neeraj Gupta from IMA HQ has been appointed as Coordinator for the mega Press Confernece event and he will be in touch with you and will guide you how to e-Connect the Press Conference with National President & Hony. Secretary General.
Please make all efforts to conduct the above said Press Conference, as this is the only way we can show the strength of IMA at a national level.
Press Conference should also have photo opportunity highlighting “IMA Swachh Bharat Swasth Bharat”. Please also make arrangements for some cleaning materials like brooms etc. at the venue of the Press Conference.
You are required to pass on this message to your Local Branch Presidents and Secretaries also. You may also request them to compile the list of health reportes in their city and send it to IMA HQs so that a combined Press Release can also be sent to City Reporters.
For any further query, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Dr A Marthanda Pillai
Dr K K Aggarwal