4.1 The tenure of IEC members would be for a period of 3 years
4.2 At the end of 3 years the IEC would be reconstituted by the then President of IMA.
4.3 A member can serve in the IEC for upto 3 terms (each term of 3 years).
4.4 The President can replace a member in the event of death or long-term non availability or because of any action not commensurate with the responsibilities of the members.
4.5 A member can tender resignation from the committee with proper reasons to do so by giving at least one month’s notice.
4.6 The President of the Association will nominate the member of IEC who collectively have the qualifications and experience to review and evaluate the science, medial aspects, and ethics of the proposed trial.
4.7 Conflict of interest will be avoided when making appointments, but where unavoidable there will be transparency with regards to such interest.
4.8 Member can be disqualified if there is long period of non availability or inadequate contribution (absence in 3 meetings continuously without any permission).
4.9 All Members should maintain absolute confidentiality of all discussion during the meeting and shall sign a confidentiality form.
4.10 Conflict of interest should be declared by members of the IEC as and when applicable.